We have a long association with Svir and have helped them in the past, our volunteers from Roche have done work on the building here before (read more).
Like many Belarusians they grow their own vegetables. They also have a good honeybee set up. Being a home for the elderly they don’t have too many able-bodied people to carry out all the work required to ensure they have enough vegetables. In an effort to aid their worsening situation with the help of some local Belarusian volunteers we have purchased a new tractor for Svir. The director Casimir Miatchislavovich is very grateful for having a dream realised and it has given a great boost to the residents too. There was a fierce buzz of excitement and genuine gratitude in the air on the day of delivery.
We hope this will make life easier on the residents for many years to come. Many thanks to those who contributed to this project.