Apart from the numerous physical benefits standing will have for these children in the future, the psychological benefits were seen immediately. It brought infectious smiles to their faces, they were excited and asking when they could next stand, proud of themselves and of each other, speaking of their plans to work hard and get stronger and to practice when the volunteers had gone.
Supportive shoes were bought for each child, to ensure that they could use the standing frames correctly and safely. All of the orphanage staff showed enthusiasm at the use of these frames and through talking with the director and medical staff, a teacher, the wonderful Ira in Group 4, was appointed the role of implementing a standing programme for these children and young adults. Gorodishche were also in contact with Cherven, who have a medical programme in place. The director and staff are open to ideas to help improve the positioning of the children in cots and beds and also to providing suitable seating for them. The group of physio volunteers are hoping to take this on as a project, sourcing more standers, seating and positioning devices to try and follow in the footsteps of the work that has been done in Cherven.
Thank you to the wonderful and kind people who donated the standing frames and of course to BCP for continuing to deliver this aid to Belarus. Nastya, Lida, Vaselina, Tanya, Sergei, Natasha, Nikita, Artur, Dasha, Inga and more all got to stand tall and proud and see their worlds from a different viewpoint because of you🌻🎈
By Laura Dwane
A Physiotherapy Standing Programme has been put in place and the children are using these standers every week since. Again thank you. None of this would have been possible without donations of such important medical aids the knowledge of our volunteer physiotherapists and the cooperation of Gorodishche and Cherven.
Well done to everybody involved.
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