We all deserve to be included and treated equally.
Help break down disability barriers and celebrate abilities.
There was a concert up in Kyl today
And we’d like you all to know
That we set off at nine o’clock
To make it through the snow.
Then Pavil started off the show
His voice so loud and clear
And all throughout the crowded hall
Five hundred began to cheer.
Music, dancing and more songs
Then ladies who were blokes
And we laughed aloud the whole time long
At their very funny jokes.
But then a lady in the hall somewhere
Shouted out with a great big cry
‘Hurry up will ye, I want to eat
I think that I might die.’
But the show went on with lots of fun
With drama and with song
It ended all too soon for us
As we hadn’t been there so long.
Then the children that we knew
In Cherven when they were small
Came to meet us one by one
And ask about us all.
They sent their love to our volunteers
The women and the men
And they all asked for the Rochevski guys
To please come back again!